I was at the gym and one of the guys that I’ve been talking to was a runner. He was telling me about how frustrated he was and almost ready to quit running even though he’s been running for years. We talked a little bit and I explained to him that one of the things you need to do is just slow down. We went over the details of that plan. 2 months later, I saw him again at the gym and ask him how things were going. He explained to me that he found his love again for running just by slowing down. He felt better, eliminated some nagging Injuries and he could even run faster.
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Are you warming up? One of the biggest mistakes I see is that people don’t take the time to warm up. Warming up is not just doing a few stretches then taking off. At a minimum, walk a minute then jog a minute for the first 10 Minutes before your run workout. Your body will respond better to the workout if you are warm. It also helps to minimize injury.