32. Be honest with yourself - You know there’s an issue when you can’t imagine your life without junk food. Junk food is no different than other addictive substances, they will all kill you. Go back to tip 18. …
66 TIPS IN 40 DAYS: DAY 20
We have reached the halfway point of 66 tips in 40 days, I pray you have learned something new or have been inspired to make some needed changes to your life. If you have any questions or need some help please send me an email. Just click below. 30. Identify your triggers – Triggers can be classified as anything that causes you to crave unhealthy food. Triggers can range from something as big as an unhealthy relationship, work environment, the places you stop after work or …
66 TIPS IN 40 DAYS: DAY 19
29. Limit negative environments that are not helping you reach your weight loss goals – Read Tip 16 and Tip 28. These two tips are keys to helping you move forward. Day 20 we will discuss triggers. …
66 TIPS IN 40 DAYS: DAY 18
28. Emotional eating - If this is a problem, find a way to cope with the negative emotions that are driving these eating habits. Tip 16, find a support system that you can trust for emotional help. You can also, spend some time in prayer until the urge subsides, you can go for a walk, run, or workout. Dopamine (the feel-good hormone), is released when you eat. What happened is, instead of dealing with the issue at hand, people eat and get the dopamine hit thus …
66 TIPS IN 40 DAYS: DAY 17
Bad Fats 26. Oils to avoid – In addition to knowing the different names for sugar it’s also vitally important to know what oils are damaging to your health. Like I mentioned, in Fighting the Covid “19” Part 2, these toxic oils have no good reason to be consumed. Image from Fatburn Fix, Dr. Cate Shanahan, M.D. Good Fats 27. Good Oils – On the other hand, you also need to know the oils that will allow your body to function at it's very best. Image …
66 TIPS IN 40 DAYS: DAY 16
25. Avoid artificial sweeteners - These are several reasons to avoid the pink, yellow, and blue package. For one, they have been linked to cancer and neurological issues. Also, they don’t help reduce your sugar cravings, they still initiate an insulin response, and they harm your gut microbiome. The bottom line, they do not help you at all to have a healthier metabolic system. There are two options to help you transition away from both Sugar and Artificial sweeteners, Monk Fruit and Stevia. …
66 TIPS IN 40 DAYS: DAY 15
24. 56 names for sugar – When learning to read labels it’s good to be familiar with how sugar is disguised. In my post, Fighting the Covid “19” Part 2, I pointed out the importance of avoiding sugar to optimize your health. Also, there is a link that lists the 56 names of sugar. …
66 TIPS IN 40 DAYS: DAY 14
19. What you eat determines if you lose or gain weight. 20. Learn how to cook – When you cook your food, you don’t have to guess what is in it. 21. Shop on the outside of the grocery store – What’s on the outside of the grocery store? Mostly fresh items. 22. Limit packaged foods – Look, for the most part, packaged foods are full of empty unhealthy ingredients 23. Lean the read labels – If you’re going to buy a packaged food, you need to know what is in it. If you can’t pronounce …
66 TIPS IN 40 DAYS: DAY 13
We have concluded the Basics portion of these tips, now we will pivot to Health and keys to weight management. 18. Know your blood biomarkers - This is a great place to start. Focus on three areas of concern. One, resting insulin (Optimal 7.0 or lower). Two, Resting Glucose (Optimal 85 or lower). Three, A1C (Optimal 5.4 or lower). And Triglyceride levels (Optimal 150 or lower). As a society, we judge ourselves based on what we look like but by knowing these important markets you can see …
Roll the Dice Home Workout
Per my Facebook post earlier today, below is my Roll the Dice 30-minute workout from today. The key is to just keep moving, take as much rest as you need between exercises and sets. Always check with your doctor before attempting any workout program. Round 1 Mountain Climbers can be 30 total or 30 per leg. Round 2 Lunges can be walking to single leg Round 3 Calf Raises, do 15 right leg, 15 left leg and 15 both together. Round 4 Water Break take 1 …
66 TIPS IN 40 DAYS: DAY 12
17. You don’t need all the best stuff to get better or in shape– To be honest, it’s an excuse to justify why we’re not doing what needs to be done. How I know, because I’ve used them all. Here are a few… I need a gym membership to get in shape. I need a $1,500 pair of race wheels to go faster. I don’t have the right cookware. I don’t, fill in the blank________. The reality is, just start where you are, it’s better to do something rather than nothing. If you need some ideas go back and …
66 TIPS IN 40 DAYS: DAY 11
16. Find a mentor / Join a community / Have an Accountability Partner – If you want to have success with your health, wellness, training, or anything you need a guide to help you navigate the journey. Why is this necessary? Have you heard of Mirror neurons? According to the Encyclopedia Britannica… “Mirror neuron, type of sensory-motor cell located in the brain that is activated when an individual performs an action or observes another individual performing the same action. Thus, …
66 TIPS IN 40 DAYS: DAY 10
Limit news and social media to reduce undue stress – It is almost impossible to not know what is going on these days. However, you can only control, what you can control. To start on the right path each day, don’t look at your phone or watch TV first thing in the morning… move your phone away for your nightstand. Instead, start with something positive in your day, reading, prayer, etc. Ultimately, our trust needs to be in the LORD. …
14. “I’m so busy” – Have you ever said anything that sounds like this? Truth is, you have to slow down to be healthy, you can not keep up a frenetic pace and expect positive results to your health and well being. Even God tells us to take one in seven to rest. Rest allows your body, mind, and spirit to clear out. …
13. Let go of your ego – I see this all the time, even with myself, I’m not exempt. Be open-minded to suggestions from someone that has had success. Do your best to stay away from the “I” syndrome. “I” did this and “I” did that. A lot of times ego and the “I”, got you where you are, learn from it, and move forward. Don’t let your ego keep you stuck where you are. …
12. Replace bad habits with good ones, you don’t lose a habit you replace it - The book by Charles Duhigg “The Power of Habit” is a great read. Habits can run the gambit from good to bad. Some we are aware of, others we are not. The key is to identify the ones that keep us from reaching our goals and replace them with new positive habits. Also, know the habits that are beneficial and continue to do those. …
11. Enjoy the journey – We have to find joy in the process because success usually doesn’t happen overnight. The journey is where we learn the most about ourselves, what we can do, and what we can overcome. It makes the WIN even more enjoyable. …
10. Don’t compare yourself with others, You are You – Your Why is unique to you so stick with the goal. …
66 Tips in 40 Days: Day 4
9. What is your WHY? You need a why when it comes to wellness – If you don’t have it, it’s much easier to throw in the towel when times are hard. Every person will have their own Why. It could be bad health; overweight, overfat, too many medications, inability to more like the “good old days”, it’s hard to get on the floor with your kids or grandkids, sluggish, tired all time, the mirror doesn’t lie, wedding, work stress, YOU DON’T LIKE YOU, you fill in the blank_____. …
66 Tips in 40 Days: Day 3
8. Write a list of 20 things you are grateful for – I know it seems easy, try it. It may be harder than you think. If you have a hard time coming up with twenty, this exercise exposes your need for reflection on how grateful you really are. Some say to do this every day. Start by doing it once and read it daily as a reminder. These 20 might be a good starting point in your daily prayer time. …
66 Tips in 40 Days: Day 2
7. Take ownership of your health – Regardless of your circumstances, we totally control what we put in our mouths, how much we move, and how busy we are. DAY 1 …
66 Tips in 40 Days
Starting today, I will post 66 tips in 40 days. Each post will fall under any one of the following three main categories: The Basics, Health and Wellness, or Training. Each day’s tips will be bite sized for a fast read. My goals for these tips are to invoke thought, help you get motivated or refocused. Most of all, I want these tips to be a blessing to help you live a healthier, more productive, and meaningful life. Don’t miss a post. By adding your …
Running: Where to Start
Let’s see, our current challenge is: “no big groups ”, “six-foot rule” or “isolation”an so on…. There is no better way to achieve all of these, stay healthy, and start a new path than by running. That’s right! So, I’ve compiled some guidelines to help you get started or take inventory of what you have been doing to make the most of your current health journey. Being a Triathlon Coach for more than twelve years, I’ve learned a thing or two, because, well, I’ve seen a thing or two. …
Fighting the COVID “19” Part 2
When this whole thing broke out, if you recall, everyone rushed to the store to pill up the toilet paper, paper towels, and hand sanitizer. Once everyone realized we were in this thing for the long haul most everyone rushed to the store to buy food. Unfortunately, for themselves and their health, they chose all the wrong things. What was missing from the shelves, for the most part, packaged food? Some may say, “What’s wrong with that”. During a crisis like we are …
Fighting the COVID “19” Part 1
With every adversity come revelations, COVID-19 is no different. In February 2020 we were all humming along just like normal. Many people, who started with grand goals of health and wellness, found themselves just about where they were in years past, wondering what happened to their New Year’s Resolutions. When CV-19 hit, things came so fast that people did not seem to have time to think, not evaluate their situations. As a result, we were locked at home, mostly in our …